Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crown Headscarf Tying Instructions

This headscarf is great for a dressy occasion or for when you have a couple of extra minutes to create this look.

If you have a rectangular scarf, lay the scarf across your forehead off-centered so that you have one long tail and one short tail. If you have a square scarf, fold the scarf in half so that you have a triangle. Lay the long folded edge across your forehead as described above.

Gather the ends of the scarf at the nape of your neck and cross them behind your head. Twist the longer end, laying it across the top of your head above your forehead. Continue twisting until it meets the other, shorter end. Knot both ends together. You can tie the knot in the back, or off center as shown. Allow the tails to hang down your back or over your shoulder.