Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jay's New Hat Design

Jay did it again with an adorable new hat design! This is my favorite one so far. Photos to follow soon...

Thanks go out to Susan for the generous yarn donation!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Today's Article

Link to the article:

Hat Donation from G.G.

My grandmother sent some great hats. These are going to Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego, Ronald McDonald House in San Diego, and some individuals.

If you are interested in donating hats or yarn, please email me at or leave a message in my guestbook. I have a lot of hat requests and will make sure that your donation finds a good home. Thanks!

:-) Taylor

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joyce's Hat Donations

Thanks to Joyce for her hat donations. They will go to Ronald McDonald House in San Diego.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More New Hats!

Hats For Miracle Babies in San Diego

New Hat Designs

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crown Headscarf Tying Instructions

This headscarf is great for a dressy occasion or for when you have a couple of extra minutes to create this look.

If you have a rectangular scarf, lay the scarf across your forehead off-centered so that you have one long tail and one short tail. If you have a square scarf, fold the scarf in half so that you have a triangle. Lay the long folded edge across your forehead as described above.

Gather the ends of the scarf at the nape of your neck and cross them behind your head. Twist the longer end, laying it across the top of your head above your forehead. Continue twisting until it meets the other, shorter end. Knot both ends together. You can tie the knot in the back, or off center as shown. Allow the tails to hang down your back or over your shoulder.


Dear Taylor,

I thought you might like to see someone wearing one of your lovely hats. I appreciate your efforts and we enjoy looking at the new hats you've sent during treatments.

Ronise is my wife and I wanted you to know that your hats keep her head warm and pretty daily. -Crys

Friday, March 19, 2010

Barbara's Fantastic Fleece Hats

How cute are these cozy fleece hats? Thanks go out to Barbara for creating and donating these adorable hats. Our next deliveries will be going to Dr. Wallach's office, Scripps Polster Breast Center, Torrance Memorial Hospital, Little Company of Mary Hospital (where I was born), and the San Diego Cancer Center.

Rosette Turban

Here is another way to wear a scarf. This one works with a rectangular neck scarf or with a large square scarf.

If you are using a square scarf, fold it in half so that you have a triangle. Position the long, folded edge across your forehead. You can flip up the edge to make a headband to frame your face, or leave it plain as pictured to the left.

If you are using a long neck scarf, position the scarf horizontally across your forehead. Again, you can flip up the long edge for a face-framing headband, or not.

Bring both long ends together and tie them in a knot. Make sure that the back is tucked in to form a nice edge.

Twist both long ends together and circle the twist around the knot. Once you complete the rosette, tuck in your ends. This picture shows the rosette on the side, but you can also wear it in the back. It's ok to use safety pins or clips to secure your scarf, but it probably won't be necessary. Pretty!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Jay's Donations

A big thank you to my friend and neighbor, Jay, for her hat contributions. I am shipping them off to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital later today.
The hat above is Jay's Sand Dollar Beret. She adapted it from a baby pattern. Isn't it great?

Here are some others that I'm sending to St. Jude's...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Headscarf Tying Instructions

A friend asked my mom to post some headscarf tying instructions, so she drew some diagrams and wrote out the instructions. Here is the first one:

This headscarf is very simple and quick. The scarf that is used for this illustration is a regular, gauzy scarf that would ordinarily be worn around the neck. A very lightweight cotton scarf is easy to work with and cool in the warmer months. A silk scarf would be appropriate for an dressier occasion.

First, find the center of the scarf. Position the scarf across your forehead. It looks nice if you flip up the edge to form a headband across the forehead, but it's not necessary.

Next, bring the sides of the scarf around to meet at the nape of your neck. In this illustration, the knot is off-center, but you can also wear it in the center at that back of your neck.

Tie the scarf securely, allowing the long tails to fall in front of or behind your shoulder. That's it! Very pretty and elegant.

Pocket Hat

Monday, March 15, 2010

Slouchy Beret

Here'a a photo of the latest design!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I recruited my grandma to knit some more hats today! I'm really happy for the help. I am getting tons of requests. :-)

I also received a request for a chemo scarf. one for me! My mom and I found one on the internet. We ordered it for our friend and maybe we can make something similar or even better for the people that prefer scarves.

Hope all is well with you!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The 100th Hat

Well, the 100th hat has come and gone! I am so excited that there is such an interest in my hats and grateful to everyone who has helped me in this endeavor. I would especially like to thank my friend Jay, who knits the cutest preemie and baby hats and everyone who has donated yarn, their time and energy, and their support. I love the notes that I have received and the photos that people have sent in. It really motivates me to knit faster!

I am excited that my mom's friend Barbara sewing fleece hats. I am knitting and crocheting flowers to brighten them up.

If you know of anyone in need, please don't hesitate to contact me at I always try to take special requests for color/style whenever it's possible.