The goal of Tête-à-Tête Hats is to provide handmade hats free of charge to chemotherapy patients, hospitalized infants and children, and others in need of head coverings.
If you have received one of my hats, please email me at tete.a.tete.hats@gmail.com to let me know if you are enjoying it! If you know if someone who needs a hat, please email me.
You can also leave me comments on this blog.
Just sign my guestbook by clicking on the pink "post" button and follow the directions.
I would also love a photo of you wearing your new hat if you would like to share one.
I welcome your contributions! If you would like to make a yarn or hat donation, please email me or leave a note in the guestbook. I am happy to make sure that your donation finds a home with someone in need.
Be sure to click on "older posts" at the bottom of this page if you want to see more hats and more info.